Saturday, March 22, 2014

3 Warning Signs Your Not Following Your Passion

3 Warning Signs Your Not Following Your Passion

1. Your Not Happy And All Attempts To Rearrange Your Environment Are Futile.

I can sympathize. When I graduated college, got married and had a baby I decided that I needed to settle down to a desk job at an insurance company. 

Little did I know that it would take a piece of my soul day by day and that in the end there was literally no way I could fake my way through a job like that.

I tried, oh how I tried. I even took a break from the job and they let me try again. I finally had to admit that I could not be something I was not. It did not matter what was at stack. 

If you are denying your true self and trying to live someone else's version of how you are to live you would be better off with a lobotomy. At least you might forget your purpose and resign yourself. 

2. Money Is Nice But It Can't Buy Your Meaning

This is the essential problem we are facing here. If you are trying to get yourself to conform to a lifestyle that your very soul cries out against how many peaceful days and nights do you feel will be waiting for you?

How much massive success are you going to be able to cultivate when every minute seems like an hour?

3.You Will Not Be Fooling Anyone.

It will not take long before those around you will recognize your inner turmoil. No one is an actor of that quality that they can fight back suffering day in and out knowing they are acting against the life they are meant to be living. 

Am I saying everyone should quit there job and hang out while they figure it out?

Am I saying that if you have your purpose and you are aware of it and actively working on a plan to get there then this very job will lose any power over you. You will do a good job most likely as you are excited to get out of there and can see the end.

In fact, this is usually a good motivator until your true meaning takes over and launches you into the next dimension of meaning and purpose that you will seldom think of as work but will reap benefits far beyond any you dreamed of!

Until Next Time, 

Kyle O

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Are You Busy Living Or Busy Dying?

Looking For A Yacht Or A Lifeboat?

Bob Dylan urged people to make a choice in the 1960's and I am urging you to make that same choice right now.

I am going to make it too.

You see it is s easy to get sidetracked.
You get so far away from shore that the option of swimming for it is gone.
It happens all the time.
It is the rule.

The exception is to define your purpose.
Define your meaning.

This meaning will change and there will be variations in different areas of your life but if you dig deep enough you will find one unifying theme.

For me the meaning is in teaching and helping others to suceed.
I actully feel more happy than I do when I succeed myself.
I know that sounds weird but it is true.

The area I help in is for people that are realizing the power of the internet and are interested in working on their own terms and defining a meaning for themselves through their own business.

I became attracted to this field for one main reason and that was because it was so difficult to find any true path.

I know that the nature of life is that anything can happen but in the world of internet marketing it is like trying to win a card game you have never played with people who demand top dollars to tell you the rules only to find out that they had no clue to begin with!

That was the challenge.
There is a great deal of misinformation.
I help people by laying down what works best at the time based on evidence and facts and not overnight systems promising riches.

You will not hear me say that you will make a certain amount of money.

What I will say is that the information is solid.
It is well researched, designed, and explained in terms that are simple but not easy.

That is the one thing that trips people up.
Very few people make money by doing internet marketing compared to the number that attept to and the reason for that is that it is not easy.
You need a plan.
You need solid information.
You need some people in your corner.

That is what this site is about.

So, what is the first thing you should do if you are wanting to start or restart your Internet Marketing Career in the right direction?

Find a Market.

A market is a group of people that have either a pain or a pleasure they are seeking a remedy for and they have the money to pay for it.

In addition, you have to have an interest in the problem/solution.
Better yet if you have experience in that direction.

Here are 10 ideas to get you thinking:
By the way the link for this list can be found here

1. Software Development
2. Copywriting/Sales
3. Internet Marketing
4. Consulting and Coaching
5. Web Design
6. Writing/Blogging
7. Poker
8. EBay
9. Stock/Options/FX Trading
10. ECommerce/Dropshipping

Here is a video that goes into more options.

I suggest that if you can't decide that you narrow it down by postives and negatives and make your choice and make a deal with yourself that you will give it your all for at least 3 months. Six would be better and a year is really needed before you are going to know much of anything with some sense of certainty.

That is what the others will not tell you.

“I am the other kind.”
Steve Earle

Enjoy the video and see you next time for step 2 which is determining the viability and possibilities of advancement in your chosen maket.

Peace and Possibilities,

Kyle O



My purpose is to help you attract more of what you want.”
Kyle O.

I do not know what you want.

Do you?

  • The first thing I am going to ask you to do is set aside three periods in each day (consisting of 60-90 minutes) where all you do is focus on your ONE MEANING.

    Feel free to take breaks during the time to renew your focus by looking away for five minutes every half hour or so.

  • If you do not have the one single overriding purpose and meaning that underlies all of your actions you are not going to get very far. Therefore, that should be your first ONE MEANING.

Here are some places that can help you figure it out:

Author of THE ONE THING Gary Keller -Talks About The One Thing

Here is Seth Godins take on Success.

  • Once you have found the right pacing and timing for your focus periods make it a ritual that you do not break.

Turn off all distractions during these times.


Peace and Possibilities,

Kyle O.

Saturday, March 15, 2014

Statistics Tell Us What We Want To Hear..... At Least 87% of the time!

Social Media

  • 84% of B2B marketers use social media in some form. (Source: Aberdeen)
  • The majority of marketers (59%) are using social media for 6 hours or more each week. (Source: Social Media Examiner)
  • 83% of marketers indicate that social media is important for their business. (Source: Social Media Examiner)
  • 53% of social media marketers don't measure their success. (Source: Awareness, Inc.)
  • 52% of marketers cite difficulties in accurately measuring ROI as their biggest source of frustration in social marketing. (Source: Adobe)
  • 96% measure number of fans and followers, 89% measure traffic, 84% measure mentions, 55% track share of voice, and 51% track sentiment. (Source: Awareness, Inc.)
  • 42% of marketers say Facebook is critical or important to their business. (Source: State of Inbound Marketing, 2012)
  • The number of businesses that say Facebook is critical or important to their business has increased by 75%. (State of Inbound Marketing, 2012)
  • 62% of marketers said social media became more important to the marketing campaigns in the last 6 months. (State of Inbound Marketing, 2012)
  • Social media has a 100% higher lead-to-close rate than outbound marketing. (State of Inbound Marketing, 2012)
  • Companies that acquired customers from Facebook: B2C is 77% and B2B is 43%. (State of Inbound Marketing, 2012)
  • Retail is the top industry that has acquired customers through Facebook. (State of Inbound Marketing, 2012)
  • Marketers struggle with lead generation on Facebook. (Social Media Examiner)
  • 80% of US social network users prefer to connect to brands through Facebook. (State of Inbound Marketing, 2012)
  • Brands have seen a 46% increase in user engagement with the new business Timeline. (Simply Measured)
  • Brands have seen a 65% increase in user engagement of interactive content with the new Timeline. (Simply Measured)
  • Ratio of views to share of Facebook comments: 9:1. (Buzzfeed)
  • Auto-posting to Facebook decreases likes and comments by 70%. (Digital Buzz Blog 2012)
  • As of April 2012, Google reports that Google+ now has 170 million active users. (Google)
  • Google+ attracted 20 million users within the first 3 weeks of its launch. (comScore)
  • As of January 2012, American users spent an average of 3.3 minutes on Google+. (eMarketer)
  • As of January 2012, Google+ accounted for .22% of referral traffic, falling from .24%. (Shareaholic)
  • Websites using the +1 button generate 3.5x the Google+ visits than sites without the button. (HubSpot)
  • Two of the biggest user groups on Google+ are college students and software developers. (Remcolandia)
  • 63% of Google+ users are male. (Remcolandia)
  • Over 40% of marketers report that Google+ is "useful to critical" for their business. (HubSpot 2012 State of Inbound Marketing Report)
  • Google+ is expected to attract 400 million users by the end of 2012. (Remcolandia)
  • Pinterest is now the 3rd most popular social network in the U.S. in terms of traffic. (Experian)
  • As of February 2012, Pinterest had accumulated 10.4 million users. (AppData)
  • Over 80% of pins are repins. (RJMetrics)
  • Pinterest is retaining and engaging users as much as 2-3 times as efficiently as Twitter was at a similar time in their history. (RJMetrics)
  • Daily Pinterest users have increased by more than 145% since the beginning of 2012. (Mashable)
  • As of January 2012, American users spent an average of 97.8 minutes on Pinterest. (eMarketer)
  • Over 1/5 of Facebook-connected users are on Pinterest daily (which represents more than 2 million members). (AppData)
  • 80% of Pinterest's users are female. (comScore)
  • Estimated unique visitors to increased by 429 percent from September to December 2011. (Compete)
  • The quality of the average new Pinterest user (as defined by their level of engagement and likelihood to remain active) is high but declining. Users who have joined in recent months are 2-3 times less active during their first month than the users that came before them. (RJMetrics)
  • 30% of Pinterest users are women 25-34 years old. (Ignite)
  • Pinterest users in the U.S. are more likely to live in midwestern states than your typical social networker. (comScore)
  • The top interests on Pinterest in the U.S. include crafts, gifts, hobbies/leisure, interior design, and fashion designers/collections. (
  • Etsy is the top site in terms of source domains. (Source domains are the sites that content on Pinterest links to externally.) Google is second, followed by Flickr, Tumblr, and (RJMetrics)
  • As of January 2012, Pinterest accounted for 3.6% of referral traffic. (Shareaholic)
  • Total same-store referral traffic from Pinterest to five specialty apparel retailers rose 389% from July to December 2011. (Monetate)
  • In January 2012, Pinterest reached 11,716,000 total unique visitors. (comScore)
  • With over 11 million unique monthly visitors (and counting), Pinterest became the fastest standalone website to eclipse the 10 million per month mark ever. (PR Daily)
  • A call-to-action pin description sees an 80% increase in engagement. (Pinerly Study)
  • Tutorial & guide/DIY & recipe pins see a 42% higher click-through rate than other pin types. (Pinerly Study)
  • Pins related to trending topics see an average of 94% increase in click-throughs. (Pinerly Study)
  • The best time to pin during the day is between 2 and 4 PM EST. (Pinerly Study)
  • The best time to pin in the evening is between 8 PM and 1 AM EST. (Pinerly Study)
  • Shoppers referred by Pinterest are 10% more likely to make a purchase than visitors who arrive from other social networks, including Facebook and Twitter. Theyll also spend 10% more on average. (Wayfair)
  • Pinterest referrals spend 70% more than visitors referred from non-social channels, including search, according to industry reports. (Wayfair)
  • In the month of March 2012, HubSpot's visitor-to-lead conversion rate for Pinterest was 15%, compared to just 9% from Google+. (HubSpot)

Friday, March 14, 2014

Whether You Are A Musician Or Not This Is Gold For Solid Promotion

Advancing Your Show – How to Confirm Gig Details Ahead of Time for Peace of Mind

JULY 20, 2011{ 2 COMMENTS }

Screen shot 2011 07 19 at 2.17.00 PM 300x198 Advancing Your Show   How to Confirm Gig Details Ahead of Time for Peace of MindThe gig is booked and you’re stoked to play your hometown venue even though the club has changed owners since you last played there 5 years ago. It’s the day of the show and you arrive for soundcheck and meet the sound guy, only to find out he has no clue about you even being on the bill. You look around the venue and there are no posters or flyers around promoting your show. It’s as if no one confirmed that the show was actually happening. Worse case scenario? Maybe. But it’s also more common than you may imagine. Luckily, this type of mixup can be easily avoided by properly advancing your show.
Advancing a show- confirming in “advance” all of the details surrounding your gig with a venue contact.
 Once you’ve confirmed your show, the booker should send you a contract or email with all the necessary show details. If they don’t, ask for the info yourself.
Point of contact
 - Who is your main point of contact? Is it the venue manager? Promoter? Keep their first and last name, cell phone number, and email address in a handy place.
4-6 weeks out:
 - Who is promoting the show, you or the promoter?
If it’s the promoter:
 - How many posters and flyers are going up, where, and by when? Who is making the flyer? You or the venue?
 - When do tickets go on sale and through what outlets? If there is a presale of tickets, get a link so you can share it with your fans in advance.
 - Has the local media been notified about the show?
If you’re promoting the show, and need some promotion tips, check out:
1-2 weeks out:
Now that you’ve confirmed that fliers are hung around town and the local press is pumping up your show, it’s time to confirm the particulars. These details are likely in your contract, but it’s always best to double-check. Give yourself enough time to find solutions for any problems that may arise.
 - What is the name and address of where you are staying? Who’s paying for it?
 - What is the name and address of the venue you are playing?
 - Confirm best driving directions to venue and any streets to avoid.
 - Load in time? Sound check time? Door time? Show time? Set length?
 - Can the venue accommodate any special equipment requests you might have?
 - Will special meal requests or any other rider requirements be honored?
Day of show:
Final check in
It’s show day! Check in with your point of contact for one final run through of the details and review any plan changes. Re-confirm load-in and sound check time, show up, and get ready to rock!
-Molly King
Photo by Daniel P. Jones.


As long as I have been alive and playing music I have heard it.
Sometimes it was a distant sound.
Sometimes it was louder than the music itself.

Musicians and others who were all spreading the same message.

Music is a hobby it is not a career.

Well, if you say so then it is almost certain that it will be so.
However, I wonder sometimes what would happen if you did not know you would fail?
At least you will never have to find out and you can die knowing you never had a chance.

Maybe it will go the other way though and you will see finally that it is not the success or the failure it is living your meaning that matters most.

There is no failure except the failure to have enough faith in yourself to let go and see what happens when you live life without a net.

At least you can spend your remaining years pushing away the thoughts of what could never have been anyway.


Kyle O

PS- If Your The Other Kind Then This Guy Is One Of The Best I Know Who Really Gives A Shit. Tell Him Kyle Sent You. 

Monday, February 10, 2014


JD Eicher is not only a talented singer/songwriter, but a very good friend and former tourmate. So we’re especially excited to have him as a guest writer. If you recall, we interviewed him a few years back (you can read that here).  Since then, JD Eicher & The Goodnights have been picked up by management, a booking agent, and are on their way up – waaay up! 
For our 3rd post in this week’s series JD talks about finding balance in a schedule that changes from day to day. 
What do I do all day? It can vary a little bit – especially during the holidays – but I generally like to keep a pretty strict schedule:
  • 11:15a-11:30a – Wake up, go to the bathroom
  • 11:30a-1p – Xbox
  • 1p-3:30p – Xbox, snacks
  • 3:30p-5p – Nap
  • 5p-5:15p – Wake up, go to the bathroom
  • 5:15p-7p – Eat something, maybe play some Xbox if I’m not busy
  • 7p-7:30p – Answer a few emails
  • 7:30p-8:30p – Shower, get ready to go out
  • 8:30ish -??? – Limo arrives, cocaine/nightclubs  
…Okay, maybe some of that is a joke. But I’m pretty sure there is a percentage of people out there who really believe the life of a full-time musician is somewhere in that ballpark. Maybe it is for somebody, but I don’t know ‘em. Frankly, I think all the eye strain from the Xbox would make that kind of living a real struggle.

“I think any full-timer will tell you that it’s a lot, 
but that it’s also worth it.”

These days, my day-to-day is all over the place. Perhaps the biggest challenge with this lifestyle is that you very rarely get a regular schedule. All of the shows, travel, and odd projects keep things pretty disjointed. For me, this means finding ways to maintain some sort of balance, and the best system I’ve found so far is to make categories. I break my daily tasks into groups, and the focus is more on what and less on when. Here’s a sampling of some of the daily stuff I try to do:
  • Emails/social media
  • My work “to-do” list
  • Practice/write music
  • Financials
  • Ongoing projects/booking/etc.
  • Planning travel/coordinating the band
  • Eat/exercise/hygiene (hopefully I get to this…)
These are ongoing, and I know they will each take up a solid block of time. Since each day is different, I try to squeeze these blocks wherever they’ll fit in a given day. For example, I’m home tomorrow until around noon and then hit the road for Philly (about a six hour drive). Then I’m at the show until late. My likely play will be to get up around 6a or 7a, do some of the “to-do” list, work on a project I’ve been putting off, skip practice since I’m playing a show, and then do emails/social at the venue after sound check.
jd-eicher cd
new album
I won’t get to everything, but maybe I’ll put a dent in it.   The next day is a double-header at Penn State Main, and I’ve got an early morning drive to a noontime show, followed by a second show there later that night. Probably the only work I’ll get done that day will be in between shows, holed up in a coffee shop or restaurant with Wi-Fi.
The story continues in much the same way, and since the schedule is always changing, I find my comfort/security in a flexible routine with clear goals. Sometimes it gets messy and things feel really off balance, but then I get to play some music, and it all goes away.   I think any full-timer will tell you that it’s a lot, but that it’s also worth it. I get tired, but I don’t get tired of what I do. I’m sure it’s like any other job – if you love it, you’ll grind it out.