Sunday, March 16, 2014

Are You Busy Living Or Busy Dying?

Looking For A Yacht Or A Lifeboat?

Bob Dylan urged people to make a choice in the 1960's and I am urging you to make that same choice right now.

I am going to make it too.

You see it is s easy to get sidetracked.
You get so far away from shore that the option of swimming for it is gone.
It happens all the time.
It is the rule.

The exception is to define your purpose.
Define your meaning.

This meaning will change and there will be variations in different areas of your life but if you dig deep enough you will find one unifying theme.

For me the meaning is in teaching and helping others to suceed.
I actully feel more happy than I do when I succeed myself.
I know that sounds weird but it is true.

The area I help in is for people that are realizing the power of the internet and are interested in working on their own terms and defining a meaning for themselves through their own business.

I became attracted to this field for one main reason and that was because it was so difficult to find any true path.

I know that the nature of life is that anything can happen but in the world of internet marketing it is like trying to win a card game you have never played with people who demand top dollars to tell you the rules only to find out that they had no clue to begin with!

That was the challenge.
There is a great deal of misinformation.
I help people by laying down what works best at the time based on evidence and facts and not overnight systems promising riches.

You will not hear me say that you will make a certain amount of money.

What I will say is that the information is solid.
It is well researched, designed, and explained in terms that are simple but not easy.

That is the one thing that trips people up.
Very few people make money by doing internet marketing compared to the number that attept to and the reason for that is that it is not easy.
You need a plan.
You need solid information.
You need some people in your corner.

That is what this site is about.

So, what is the first thing you should do if you are wanting to start or restart your Internet Marketing Career in the right direction?

Find a Market.

A market is a group of people that have either a pain or a pleasure they are seeking a remedy for and they have the money to pay for it.

In addition, you have to have an interest in the problem/solution.
Better yet if you have experience in that direction.

Here are 10 ideas to get you thinking:
By the way the link for this list can be found here

1. Software Development
2. Copywriting/Sales
3. Internet Marketing
4. Consulting and Coaching
5. Web Design
6. Writing/Blogging
7. Poker
8. EBay
9. Stock/Options/FX Trading
10. ECommerce/Dropshipping

Here is a video that goes into more options.

I suggest that if you can't decide that you narrow it down by postives and negatives and make your choice and make a deal with yourself that you will give it your all for at least 3 months. Six would be better and a year is really needed before you are going to know much of anything with some sense of certainty.

That is what the others will not tell you.

“I am the other kind.”
Steve Earle

Enjoy the video and see you next time for step 2 which is determining the viability and possibilities of advancement in your chosen maket.

Peace and Possibilities,

Kyle O

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